Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an assessment?
Yes, an assessment is required for admission to the Residential Program. Please be prepared for a UA alcohol/drug test prior to your scheduled assessment. Failure to provide a sample will result in cancellation of the assessment appointment.
How much does an assessment cost?
Assessments at The Shoulder are $50. To schedule an assessment, call 251-626-2199. If you have an assessment from another agency, a copy of that assessment must be faxed to 251-626-2388 to determine if The Shoulder will be an appropriate place for treatment.
What type of documentation to I need to receive services?
All potential clients must have a valid picture ID. Each client will need to have a ready to work physical and have a doctor authorize any medications (prescribed and over the counter) that you will be taking while at The Shoulder. Clients must be working and be able to provide a recent paycheck stub.
Copies of our admission packet can be downloaded here. Women seeking treatment should also complete the intake physical form found here.
What are the fees for services?
The initial down payment is $500. This covers the cost of the first two weeks of treatment and is applied directly to your fees so you don’t fall behind while trying to obtain employment. Weekly fees are calculated on a sliding fee scale based on your income. At the time of admission, you will complete a budget worksheet with a staff member. That budget worksheet takes into consideration your income and monthly expenses. Your weekly fee will be 75% of your disposable income. Disposable income is calculated by subtracting your expenses from your income. What is left is considered your disposable income.
Proof of income is to be presented at time of admission and then weekly or biweekly (depending on your pay periods). Documentation acceptable as proof of income include check stubs, bank account statement showing deposit, or written statement from employer with contact information for verification purposes.
Can I provide my own transportation?
Advanced permission is required before you are allowed to keep a vehicle on the premises. If you are allowed to have your personal vehicle, you must turn your keys in to the PA station any time you are on campus. In order to drive you must provide documentation verifying that you are eligible to do so. The following documents must be presented at the PA station before you will be allowed to drive or even keep a vehicle on The Shoulder property:
Valid Driver’s License
Proof of Insurance
Valid registration (in your name)
If the vehicle is not registered in your name, a letter from the owner authorizing you to use the vehicle must be submitted as well
If you purchase a vehicle while in treatment, you may temporarily submit the Bill of Sale in place of the registration. However, you must obtain and submit a valid registration to the PA station within 30 days of the date of purchase.
You must notify the PA desk of any changes to your transportation situation including (insurance, driver’s license, vehicle, etc.)
Can I bring my cell phone/tablet?
We have found that the use of electronic devices, such as Smart Phones, Tablets, PC’s, iWatches, and other wireless devices pose a considerable distraction from treatment. At the time of admission all electronic devices will be surrendered to the PA Station where they will be catalogued and secured. If employed, you may sign your phone out at 6 AM, and sign your phone back in no later than 6 PM. If you have scheduled appointment, such as a medical appointment or a job interview, you may sign your phone out for that occasion. Should you need to check messages on your device, i.e. awaiting to hear from a prospective employer, you may check your messages at the PA Station. The Shoulder is not responsible for charging your device therefore it is your responsibility to have your device charged and turned off prior to turning it in.
III.01 Clients may have their electronic devices however they are to remain in their designated living area (upstairs) unless leaving for work, passes, or appointments. They are prohibited out on campus.
What items do I need to bring to the residential programs?
Storage space is limited. Please only bring what will fit into one dresser and small closet area.
Toiletries: Shampoo, soap, razors, shaving cream, tooth paste, tooth brush
Personal clothing: Weather appropriate clothing, nothing with offensive or derogatory messages or images
Bedding (twin size): Sheets, blankets, pillows
Other items: Valid photo ID, plastic storage bin, laundry detergent, towels and wash cloths, alarm clock, laundry bag, clothes hangers, medications prescribed by a doctor (No narcotic medications are allowed on campus.)
Items Not Allowed:
Alcohol, drugs (including Tianaa/ZaZa), or drug paraphernalia
CBD products, including vape oils & edibles.
Refillable vapes (unopened, disposable vapes are allowed)
DVDs or movies which promote the use of drugs or have an inappropriate theme
Any type of electronic/video games
Dice or Playing Cards
Unapproved Reading Materials
Extension Cords
Candles, wax warmers
Animals or pets
Personal TVs or other entertainment/viewing devices
Personal refrigerators
Hot plates or any kind of cooking device
Lighter fluid
Mouthwash containing alcohol
Weapons of any kind (including knives and hunting equipment)
Energy drinks (i.e. Red Bull, Monster, Redline, Bang, 5-hour Energy, etc.)
Negative attitude
Any other items deemed inappropriate by staff
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact The Shoulder staff at 251-626-2199